These 7 changes in the kitchen will help you lose weight


When it comes to weight loss, the kitchen plays an important role in maintaining our diets. 

Some people are of the opinion that the kitchen is the heart of the home. 

Surely, it is not limited to what you choose to stock up in your kitchen’s cabinet. 

So has listed down 7 such changes that will help to lose weight and have a healthier diet.

1: Stock Healthy Food at the Front of Your Fridge

Did you know that according to research conducted in a private university in the US, you’re three times more likely to reach out to the first thing you see in the kitchen than the fifth? 

If you put unhealthy food in the front row of the fridge, then chances are that you’re going to pick and consume it. So the best way is to line up your fridge with fruits and vegetable salad and keep them in an airtight jar. 

The chances of you picking it up when you first open the fridge are as easy as grabbing a bag of chips.

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2: Keep unhealthy food out-of-sight

There’s a famous saying, out of sight out of mind. 

The best way to control the temptation from consuming unhealthy food is to keep them out-of-sight.

I am not saying to completely abandon them, just keep them off your eyes so you don’t have to make an effort to control your temptations. 

We often mindlessly bingeing on junk food because that’s the first thing that catches our attention whenever we open fridge door. So keep odd treats somewhere behind the healthy food.

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3: Stick notes on your fridge

If you find yourself opening the fridge door more frequently than necessary, then stick motivational notes and images on the front of the door. 

For instance, you have started dieting to lose weight for your wedding, try pasting an image of your wedding dress or some diet-related quotes to keep you from having a cheat day. 

The quotes and images will help you cope with the cravings you might be having.

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4: Use smaller sized plates

This is a simple kitchen trick to help you lose weight. All you have to do is to replace your regular sized plates and dishes with smaller plates and dishes. 

According to research, decreasing your 12-inch plate size to 10 inches will help you reduce 22% drop in the calories. 

Similarly, in smaller plates, you eat less portion of a meal and tricks your brain that you’re eating more. 

Here’s an extra tip: Use blue color plates which act as an appetite suppressant.

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5: Dejunk your kitchen

If you are trying to control your diet but your kitchen appears to be more chaotic than organized then you really need to clear things out. 

According to research, people who live in a chaotic and messy environment tend to eat 44% more snacks than those who live in an organized place. 

All you have to do is to follow the simple rule - if it is not a fruit or a vegetable take it off the kitchen slab. 

Same is the rule for cabinets - if it takes more than 3 minutes to find the ingredients and cookware you need for cooking a meal, then it is time to clear up the mess.

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6: Remove distractions when eating

The most common mistake we commit when we are eating food is watching TV. 

Every time we unconsciously settle in front of a television to have our meals. 

According to research, if you eat when distracted, then it result in ignoring signals from your body that you’ve had enough and thus end up eating more food than you should. 

So don’t let TV or other gadget distract you from moving away from your diet and have full mindfulness while eating your meals to help you lose weight.

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7: Place vanilla scented candle in your kitchen

If you ever find yourself craving for dessert after your evening meal, then place a vanilla scented candle in your kitchen. 

According to research, vanilla scent tends to reduce sugar cravings. 

The participants in the study were provided vanilla patch at the back of their arms, which significantly reduce their cravings for dessert and sweet drinks. 

The scent of vanilla is believed to stimulate the release of serotonin (a hormone in the brain) which triggers the feeling of happiness and satisfaction.



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