World Brain Tumour Day


Every year, on 8th June, World Brain Tumor Day is observed as a tribute to all brain tumour patients and their families. This day was first observed in the year 2000 by a nonprofit organization, German Brain Tumour Association (Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V) for raising awareness and educating people about the brain tumour. This organization came into being in 1998 and has more than 500 members from fourteen nations. Not only does this NGO have scientists and health professional on board to help the patients, but they also do everything in their power to provide support to the patients and their families.  

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about brain tumour in the general population and world tumour day helps in dispelling some of them. One of the most common misconceptions is that once the tumour has been found in the brain, there is no cure and the person is bound to die. A lot of tumours can be completely cured by surgical removal. Brain surgeries are becoming safer and safer with every passing day, as technology is improving and doctors have are gaining more knowledge on the subject.

What is Brain Tumour? 

The simplest explanation of what a brain tumour is that it is the formation of an abnormal lump in the human brain. There are two main types of it; Benign tumour and  Malignant tumour. The former is a lump formed by non-cancerous cells and the latter is the growth of cancerous cells into a lump. When normal cells grow uncontrollably, you have a benign tumour and when the abnormal cells are produced in your brain, you have a malignant tumour.

The brain tumours that emerges from your brain are known as the primary brain tumours and the ones in which cancer beings in other parts of the body and spreads to the brain are known as the secondary brain tumours.

What are the symptoms of Brain Tumour?

There are a variety of nonspecific symptoms of brain tumour that range from a splitting headache, altered mental state, weakness, visual changes, difficulty in speech, vomiting, and seizures. The most common ones are the weakness of limbs and headaches. 

What are the causes of Brain Tumour? 

The exact cause of the growth of brain tumour cells is unknown. A lot of doctors account high exposure to X-ray rays and the family history of brain cancer to it. Many also believe that the use of gadgets like smartphones and laptops also cause many types of cancers, including brain tumours. However, none of these possible causes have been proven yet and thus, research on the field is still inconclusive and ongoing.

How to Diagnose Brain Tumour? 

Brain cancer is a severe type of cancer and its symptoms very mild and undetectable. If doctors detect the tumour at an early stage, they can plan on how to fight it and give a better chance of recovery to the patient. CT scan, MRI, Angiography, Neurological exam and spinal tap test are some of the ways neurosurgeons use to detect brain tumours. 

How is Brain Tumour Treated? 

There are different treatments administered to different types of different patients depending upon the type of tumour, the location of the tumour in the brain, the spread of the tumour, and patient’s age. Surgery is the most common type of treatment whose goal is to remove the tumour cells without causing damage to the other parts of the brain. Radiology and chemotherapy are also forms of treatments. In the case of non-cancerous cells, sometimes, the doctor might be able to treat it without surgery through these two methods.

Arkhitech and its Medical Insurance: 

It is vital for companies to take care of their employees. Without the support and loyalty of employees, a company is nothing. Arkhitech is Pakistan’s leading software company operational in Islamabad and Lahore. It is known for providing cutting edge technological solutions to clients all over the world. The company's subsidiary Simobo, has two in-house products;  howmuch and foodnerd

Arkhitech values its employees and their health. Not only are seminars, workshops and meetings held about technology and leadership, but they are also held to raise awareness about mental health issues, the importance of hygiene, physical fitness, and other health awareness topics. The HR of the company also holds one to one sessions with the employees on special days like ‘World Tumour Day’, ‘World Food Safety Day’, etc. to equip them with the best knowledge and provide the best consultancy. 



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