2019 and beyond: These 4 trends will shape the market of the future


Over the years, supermarkets have seen minimalist disruption in terms of buying pattern of consumers. However, technological innovations online and in-store is shifting consumers buying pattern in developed countries. 

These shifts are changing the way retailers operate and it is expected to transform in 2019 as well.

In fact, there’s a significant pivot toward innovative new technology and both retail and grocery sectors are working together to meet expectations in an ever-changing supermarket business.

Here are the six trends that will transform how supermarkets operate in 2019 and the future.

1: Technology is going to transform e-Commerce

E-commerce has turned out to be a game-changer in grocery retailing, acquiring market share from brick-and-mortar retailers. According to the reports, the worldwide online sales are expected to grow 20% by 2023. 

The experts are anticipating continued growth across mature as well as developing markets.

The market share growth will greatly depend on the technology advances improving the shopper experience. The retailers and manufacturers are keen to provide personalization, ease, and convenience to exceed shoppers’ expectations.

According to the expert, online grocery contains the complexity of e-Commerce with the main requirement of providing fresh food and late expiry products - it is, therefore, a challenge that needs a swift solution.

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2: Physical stores to transform into the digital store

Technological advancement is going to change how people shop for groceries in a physical store. In near future, consumers are going to experience in-store grocery experience much easier than before. 

For instance, searching the aisle for a particular product could be an obsolete method with the development of apps that guide shoppers to pick their desired product from a specific aisle.

Experts believe that these sort of technological advancement would give brick-and-mortar stores a chance to leverage the technology-based shopping experience to their advantage.

Related: Biggest grocery trend of 2019 that you need to know

3: Personalised experiences

Shopping data also will be used to guide customers through the shopping experience developing personalised experiences both online and in-store. 

This will lead to developing a meaningful consumer engagement for retailers. According to the experts, although loyalty programs is an effective way to enhance customer experience, but they are increasingly commoditized, with customer usage driven by habitual collection of points rather than meaningful engagement with retailers and its brand.

Through AI and machine learning, retailers will be able to target products and offers more efficiently. This will drive drive sales and make sure that suppliers budget for promotion to used to maximum effect.

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4: The increased use of social commerce

Social commerce is likely to take its toll in 2019 and open new avenues for shopping. Experts believe that through social commerce suppliers and retailers are going to market their targetted audiences as well as make online shopping more social, intuitive and convenient. 

In 2019, retailers are expected to cash-in every moment to make it more shoppable for their customers. In near future, the tech will enable people to no longer visit retailer’s official website, instead, as they watch images or videos they would be able to add products to the virtual cart. 

The social commerce has the potential to redefine how products are purchased and sold.



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