Spring season has just started in Islamabad and some of us couldn’t be more thrilled to shed off the warm wool clothes and enjoy the cool spring breeze in a simple t-shirt.
In a blink of an eye, the spring turns into summers and it’s a total turn off when the unwanted pests start showing up in our daily routine.
Be it insects, cockroaches, or dust mites, the branded sprays are too toxic for your children, pets and adults alike.
Think for a second that if these chemicals can kill insects, it can harm us too. And what’s better than home remedies to keep these unwanted pests away.
These DIY remedies are safe in every possible way for you and your whole family.
So Howmuch has listed down the homemade pests killers to make your summers bug-free. So let’s get started.
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Cockroaches are one of the disgusting pests you can see in the house. They are not only cringe-worthy but also carries harmful diseases with them.
They mostly live near the kitchen sink and multiply in numbers real quick. So it’s really important to stop them before you find them everywhere.
This DIY remedy is really easy and equally effective to stop these cockroaches and sooner than later they will be gone.
Chop one onion and add one tablespoon of baking soda and put this mixture in the corners of your house.
Reapply it daily and you will notice that your house is cockroach-free.
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Garden Pests
Who doesn’t love to sit and enjoy the summers in their house backyard?
But if plants are infected by aphids, spider mites and other pests then it can damage your beautiful lawn especially, your in-house fruits/veggies.
Certainly, there are pesticides available in the market, but using them in homegrown vegetables and fruits plants can make them inedible.
So to keep away these pests, mix half a cup of hot pepper with half a cup with garlic or onion, and mix it until it takes a shape of paste.
Mix the paste with 500 ml of warm water and let it sink for a day in a lukewarm place, strain it and spray your plants.
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If you don’t get poisonous spiders in your area, you’re lucky indeed. But even, non-poisonous and smallest spiders are scary when they appear anywhere in the house.
The suggested home remedy won’t kill them (as it’s not permissible in Islam to kill a spider), it will certainly keep them away.
The spiders don’t like the strong smell so this remedy works as a spider repellent.
Add 8-10 drops of peppermint oil into a mix of 200 ml of water and ¼ tablespoon of any liquid detergent, shake it well and spray the affected areas of your house once every week.
You can also use eucalyptus (Safiada), citronella, lavender or tea tree oil as a substitute to peppermint oil.
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Ants may be tiny in size but they are quite annoying especially when they appear out-of-nowhere.
These ants can gather in large numbers and line-up literally anywhere in the house specifically in the kitchen. So to claim your kitchen back, you need to make your place less attractive for ants.
And here’s how;
Put cinnamon powder in the affected areas - wall corners especially. Ants don’t like the smell of cinnamon. To make it more effective add some essential oil to the cinnamon powder.
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There’s nothing on earth as annoying as mosquitoes. Not only their sting frustrates us, but the humming of these pests near ears also create annoyance.
So here’s how you can keep them away.
Have a plant of tulsi in your courtyard? Bring it inside your room or plant another one.
Tulsi is believed to be great for making tea but mosquitoes detest it. It releases an odor that repels these pesky insects.
Another way is crushing a few cloves of garlic and boiling the crushed garlic in water for some time keeps mosquitoes at bay.
Pouring the solution into a spray bottle and squirting it around the room will most definitely repel mosquitoes
Did you try any of these home-made repellents? Or you’d like to share your own secret repellent remedy? Let us know in the comment box.