20 Foods to Avoid When You Are Over 40 Years Old


As you get older, things don’t remain the same as they used to be. 

Some days you feel strong and energized, and someday you don’t. And it all comes down to your lifestyle - what you eat and drink plays a crucial role. 

Your metabolism rate slows down with age and your habitual eating habits (bad ones) start to affect your life. 

So Howmuch- Grocery Delivery App listed down a list of food that you should avoid if you are 40 plus. 

Related: 6 foods that increase your testosterone naturally 

1: Margarine

There’s nothing good in Margarine for aging people. It looks like butter, even taste like butter but the truth is it's an artificial lubricant with artery-clogging saturated fat and processed oil. It’s an enemy to your cholesterol. 

The best way is to substitute margarine with actual butter, although it might cost a little. It’s good for your health and heart. 

2: Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial Sweeteners are slow poison in the modern-day world. 

Research has proven that these sweeteners are even worse than regular sugar as these artificial sugar boost the sugar cravings. 

Artificial Sweeteners increase the chances of diabetes among aging men and women. The best alternative is to have maple syrup and honey instead of sugar. 

3: Charred Meat

Yes, we know it’s hard to not like something as delicious as BBQ meat. And we’re aren’t saying meat is bad - the only problem is when it is cooked over the open flames. 

When you cook meat at high temperature the protein can develop heterocyclic amines (HCAs) as well as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

In short, these chemicals aren’t good for health and can cause cancer. 

Related: 6 foods that will keep you warm in winter season

4: Diet Soda

You’re over 40 now and need to cut soda out from your life. That’s the worst thing you can have as it is 200-600 times sweeter than sugar. 

Consuming diet soda can trigger the pancreas to release insulin at the wrong time. Not just that, diet soda has aspartame chemical which is proven to cause headaches, nausea and even blindness. 

5: Beef

Crossing off the Red meat off the menu for men is the hardest part. Who said turning 40 would make your life easy anyway?

You may have to skip red meat meals when you’re over 40. Red meat isn’t a problem, the actual problem lies in the age we live in. 

We feed animals food that result in their faster growth while back in the days, animals used to roam free and ate natural food. Because of all the stuff we add in their diet, the meat becomes unhealthy. 

6: Frozen food

Frozen food is easy to prepare and that’s the only reason we’ve piled up frozen food in our fridge. But when you’re getting over 40, you need to rethink your life’s choices. 

Firstly, frozen food ain’t taste as good, secondly, it has sodium and sugar and too little protein and healthy fats. So say a big no frozen food and consume fresh food as much as you like. 

Related: 10 foods that don't belong in the fridge 

That’s not it. There's a whole lot of food that you should avoid when you’re over 40 to live a healthy aging life. 


Fruit Juice


White Pasta

White Bread

Fast Foods

Vegetable Oils


Energy Drinks

Commercial Protein Shake


Food Coloring

Flavored Yoghurt

Pancake Syrup

Do you think getting over 40 is going to change your eating habits? Let us know in the comment section. 



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