7 Ways to Make Valentine’s Day Worthwhile With Your Family


It’s that time of the year again! In just few days, 14th Feb will turn on our calendars and people around the globe will be celebrating Valentine’s day with their loved ones. 

There are also a group of people who oppose and believe that this particular day is just another way for retailers to fetch profit from customers during mid-winter blues by enticing us to spend more and more money.

In Pakistan, celebrating valentine’s day in public isn’t something appreciated. And rightly so, being in my late 20’s I realize that valentine’s day shouldn’t just revolve around bouquets of roses and teddy bears holding hearts. 

So Howmuch.pk has tried to make this day a little special by incorporating few creative ideas which can make your family and people around you feel special on Valentine’s Day.

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Celebrate in a family

Valentine’s day is usually celebrated and considered a romantic affair among the masses. And it’s certainly nice way to spend it with someone special. 

However, your kids aren’t interested in that aspect of this day and they would definitely like to have a family-day. 

So it’s a perfect day to instill in them the importance of long-lasting relationships’ value by doing below-mentioned little things to brighten up their day.

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Jar of sweet words

A jar of jam turned into a jar of sweet words will re-define your love for the whole family. 

To make it more meaningful, give it a theme. For instance, 40 reasons why I love being your mom or “25 things that mom and dad will do it for you thousand times over”. 

You can also decorate the the jar with some glitters, magazine cuttings and decoupage.

Box of memories

Recycle an old shoe box into a beautiful box of a family memories. 

You can motivate your kids to be a part of this activity by letting them choose their best memories. 

Also, you should make a plan to spend time together on Valentine’s Day to go through photos and discuss the beautiful memories you spent together as a family. 

Good thing about the box of memories is that kids love to hear stories from the past and they will make it even more interesting my asking innocent questions.

Scrapbook day

Start a new tradition by filling a scrapbook on every Valentine’s Day with your family. 

The whole idea should revolve around the family photographs taken last year and pasting it in a scrapbook. 

It’s not important to have a high quality images from your past, what’s important is the time spend with your family filling up a scrapbook by preserving memories together. 

And what’s a better day of keeping past memories than a valentine’s day?

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Celebrate in a community

Celebrating Valentine’s day with a family is a great way and when our own love-tanks are filled, we may opt to go beyond walls of our home and spread love within the community.

Plant a seed

Increasing carbon emission has caused to spur global warming and climate change due to rapid exertion of earth’s resources. 

It’s time for us to show some love to the only liveable planet we have this Valentine’s Day.

You can encourage your kids to take their favorite flower seeds and distribute it in their schools. 

You can also distribute within your neighborhoods and encourage them to plant seeds and enjoy the simple reward of an amazing display of nature’s beauty.

Express Gratitude

There are so many people in our community who quietly do their jobs so our lives are little easier. 

Make your Valentine’s day to express gratitude to these civil servants to make them feel special. 

You can distribute homemade cookies, Biryani lunch boxes or even sweets, chocolates and candies among the neglected social class in our society. 

Let’s make this day special for people who don’t often receive recognition they deserve.

You can also spend a day at shelter home for elders, visit hospital wing, orphanage homes to spread smiles among people who desperately in need for affection. 

Take homemade food and share the happiness and most importantly connect with them.

Also read: 5 ways you can protect environment by online shopping in Pakistan


We need to give a unique perspective to Valentine’s day in our country. After all, it’s about spreading love, so be it that someone special, your family or community. 

In what unique way did you or your family member celebrate the Valentine’s day in past years? 

Are you planning to try any one of the above-mentioned ways to spend your 14th Feb? Let us know in the comment box.



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